Reduce Washout & Losses in Groundwater: Timac Agro’s Innovative Solutions

Protecting Water Quality: TIMAC AGRO's Innovative Solutions

Water quality has been a growing concern since the 1980s. While nitrogen is a vital component of aquatic ecosystems, excessive amounts can become toxic, leading to health issues, damage to aquatic flora and fauna, and economic impacts. One major problem is the increase in algae due to higher nitrate levels, which depletes oxygen in water and causes the death of other living organisms.

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The Problem of Nitrate Leaching

The high mobility of nitrogen in soil and its susceptibility to leaching, combined with increased use of nitrogen fertilizers, have resulted in elevated nitrate levels in water. This has prompted various regulations worldwide to control nitrogen use by farmers and reduce nitrate pollution in water sources.​

Groundwater can have several impacts due to the leaching, and accumulation of soluble and polluting elements (N, P, and K) in water makes it unsuitable for consumption.​

Regulatory Measures 

To fight this issue, European regulations require member states to reduce nitrate concentrations in water to protect public health and the environment.

TIMAC AGRO’s Commitment to Reducing Nitrate Leaching

TIMAC AGRO is committed to handling this issue and finding out innovative solutions to help farmers. Our technologies are designed to minimize losses and washout of nutrients.

With its On-Demand Fertilizer Technologies, TIMAC AGRO creates fertilizers that release nutrients as needed, preventing excess nitrogen and phosphorous from entering the environment.

Proven Impact of TIMAC AGRO technologies

  • RHIZOVIT LCN Reduces nitrate leaching by 22% compared to an untreated urea and competitor stabilizer. The decrease of N leaching reduces the risk of water surface eutrophication as well.
  • TOP-PHOS Preserves soil fertility thanks to environmental losses reduction and thus water eutrophication. They participate to the European Green Deal through the reduction of P.
  • DUO MAXX Reduces nitrate leaching by 47%, P runoff by 55% compared to control. Our patented Duo Maxx technology helps protect water qualityby reducing runoff.

Through these collaborations, TIMAC AGRO continues to innovate and enhance its products, ensuring they meet regulatory standards and contribute to a healthier environment.

Protecting water quality is crucial for sustainable agriculture and public health. By reducing nitrate leaching and optimizing nutrient management, TIMAC AGRO’s solutions play a significant role in safeguarding our water resources and supporting the fight against eutrophication.

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Phosphorus is a crucial nutrient for plant growth, but its excessive presence in groundwater can cause severe environmental issues, such as eutrophication. TIMAC AGRO’s innovative TOP-PHOS technology provides a sustainable solution by optimizing phosphorus availability to plants and reducing losses to the environment


TOP-PHOS is a form of phosphate complexed to create a superphosphate. This unique chemical structure, featuring monocalcium phosphate complexed by an organic agent through a calcium bridge, provides robust protection against phosphorus retrogradation. This ensures that phosphorus remains available to plants and reduces its accumulation in forms that could lead to groundwater contamination.

  • Monocalcium Phosphate Complexed: This structure protects phosphorus against retrogradation, ensuring it remains available for plant uptake.
  • Calcium Bridge: The calcium bridge enhances the stability and effectiveness of phosphorus, minimizing environmental losses
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In 2020, a lab trial conducted by CMI utilized an automatic spray cabinet to simulate two rain events of 2L/min for 3 minutes (460 mm/h) on silty textured soil (pH 5.4, OM 2.4, CEC 93 meq/kg) contained in a plastic bin (60 cm x 120 cm). The trial compared the performance of TOP-PHOS against traditional phosphorus sources.


The trial demonstrated that TOP-PHOS effectively reduces phosphorus losses:

  • TOP-PHOS preserved soil phosphorus fertility by minimizing environmental losses, thereby supporting the reduction of water eutrophication.
  • TOP-PHOS and Hyper TOP-PHOS technologies contribute to the European Green Deal by significantly reducing phosphorus runoff into water bodies.


Phosphorus runoff can lead to algae blooms that harm aquatic ecosystems. By utilizing advanced technologies like TOP-PHOS, farmers can ensure that phosphorus is used efficiently by crops, reducing the risk of environmental contamination and supporting sustainable agricultural practices.​

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In summary, TIMAC AGRO's TOP-PHOS technology is vital for protecting water quality by minimizing phosphorus losses in groundwater. Its innovative chemical structure ensures that phosphorus remains available for plant use, reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable agriculture.​

TIMAC AGRO is dedicated to sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation. Through cutting-edge solutions we are committed to preserving our natural resources and promoting a healthier planet. Join us in our mission to protect water quality and ensure sustainable farming practices for future generations.​

These actions are in line with the @ Groupe Roullier CSR comitments to make our products more sustainable and contribute to fighting climate change.


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